Photo by Hannah Olinger on Unsplash
The Winchester Dondero Cultural Center, located at 3130 McLeod Drive near Desert Inn Road, presents “Writer Ready," hosted by Clark County Poet Laureate Angela M. Brommel from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Sept. 17 Attendance for this workshop is free to the public, and prior registration is not required.
Join Angela for a conversation and collage-based workshop with artist Gig Depio as they explore the poetry of painting. Using a brief poem and 10-12 images of their own, participants will use collage to work with the tension between language and imagery as part of the composition. Those attending will need to bring images from magazines or copied from other sources that can be cut out or shared with others.
Writer-Ready is a series that includes workshops, lectures, and conversations with artists and writers during the first hour, followed by an hour-long work session to set up opportunities to write, perform and publish work. Individuals can spend work session time writing or reading even if participants don’t consider themselves to be a poet.
Attendees will receive a notebook, a pen to get started, prompts, and suggested small activities to complete before the next meeting. Nevada Humanities has also generously provided Nevada P.S. I Love You Postcard Project: Love Notes from Across the Silver State kits and copies of Sagebrush to Sandstone: A Humanities Guide to Outdoor Nevada, edited by Kathleen Kuo and Scott Dickensheets. The 100-page guide comprises poems by writers from around the state, artwork by Nevada artists depicting Nevada's natural beauty, and creative prompts accompanied by scientific text to inspire more active and reflective engagement with the world around us.
Las Vegas-based Filipino painter Gig Depio presents the conjunctions of contemporary and historical forces in the form of intense, often large-scale, figurative compositions. Depio's body of work focuses on American culture and its history, the exploration of the unfamiliar west, and later expansion and influence across the globe, especially on the convergence of American, Philippine, and Spanish histories at the turn of the 20th century and in contemporary society.
For more information about the Clark County Poet Laureate or to contact Angela, visit her at www.angelambrommel.com. Those interested in the workshop may contact the Winchester Cultural Center at (702) 455-7340 or visit the Web site at www.ClarkCountyNV.gov/parks. Clark County Parks and Recreation also can be found on social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook