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Winchester Cultural Center to Host a class and poetry reading with Vince Gotera

The Winchester Dondero Cultural Center, located at 3130 McLeod Drive near Desert Inn Blvd, will host an evening of poetry with Vince Gotera on Saturday, Oct. 15, from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Vince will read from his latest book of poetry, The Coolest Month, inspired by NaPoWriMo and Poem-a-Day. He will also read a few works and older poems from his work in progress, Aswang Love, a speculative novel-in-poems, fantasy, and horror.

Earlier in the day, Vince will provide a workshop as part of the monthly Writer-Ready series on the Short Form, hay(na)ku, from 10 a.m. to noon. Attendance for this workshop is free to the public, and prior registration is not required.

Join Clark County Poet Laureate Angela M. Brommel for a conversation and collage-based workshop with poet Vince Gotera as they explore hay(na)ku, a simple 3-line poem with one word in the first line, two in the second and three in the third. Vince will go over its history and development since its creation in 2003. Participants will also be able to write different forms of hay(na)ku to share and discuss with the group. This workshop aims for poets to become familiar with the form and its possibilities for their work.

Vince Gotera is a professor of English at the University of Northern Iowa, where he served as Editor of the North American Review from 2000 to 2016 and is the Editor of Star*Line, the print journal of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association. His poems appear in Altered Reality Magazine, Crab Orchard Review, Dreams and Nightmares, Philippines Graphic, and the anthology Multiverse in the UK. Vince also runs the blog The Man with the Blue Guitar.

For more information about the Clark County Poet Laureate or to contact Angela, visit her at Those interested in the workshop may contact the Winchester Cultural Center at (702) 455-7340 or visit Clark County Parks and Recreation also can be found on Facebook @ clarkcountyparks and Twitter @ ClarkCountyParks.


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