Over the past several months we've heard the same wish across the #vegasculture community "We should meet regularly to talk about this stuff and take some action." Well, HERE IS THAT REGULAR MEETING! EAT MORE ART VEGAS, in partnership with Cockroach Theatre, is committed to facilitating a monthly gathering of stakeholders for a supportive, comfortable, and productive conversation.
Our missions are diverse, but we share many challenges:
Marketing and Promotion
Outreach/New audience
Space for building, rehearsing and presenting
Logistics and Transportation
Public policies
Interdisciplinary collaboration
Artistic reflection
Professional development
Educational programs
Sponsorships and pARTnerships
Why struggle to survive alone, when we can collaborate and thrive together? Take a monthly seat at the "Vegas Arts Table" so that we can leverage opportunities, create win-win partnerships, and turn ideas into action! Let's make it happen!
RSVP for our first meeting, Monday, May 13th at 6:30PM and make sure your organization sends representation! Success in life comes to those who #showUP! BRING FLYERS AND INFO FOR OTHERS TO SHARE WITH THEIR FRIENDS AND FANS!!
Our first meeting's agenda:
- Introductions
- How to get the most promotion with EatMoreArtVegas.com: programs, services and orientation
- Shameless self-promotion: tell everyone about future plans/ongoing projects
- Open forum: ideas for cultural community collaboration
Questions? Please contact sarah@eatmoreartvegas.com and she'll be glad to help find the answer! #EatMoreArt #vegasculture #vegasarts #vegastheatre #vegaspoet #vegasmusic #vegasdance