Written and photography By Debbie Hall
Photos by Debbie Hall
On August 12, Clark County's school started for more students, signaling the end of summer. But it doesn’t have to end by combining fun with learning.
Spy Ninjas HQ announced a groundbreaking partnership with the Read to Lead Initiative. This collaboration is designed to foster a love for reading and lifelong learning by installing a book exchange library at Spy Ninjas HQ located at 7980 W. Sahara Ave.

The official ribbon-cutting ceremony for the book exchange library occurred on July 19. Councilwoman Victoria Seaman (Ward 2-R), local community leaders, and Mrs. Nevada International Ali Everett attended the event.
Justin Hawkins, Brand Manager at Spy Ninjas HQ, thanked everybody for coming to celebrate the groundbreaking partnership with the Read to Lead initiative. “Our collaboration is designed to foster a love for reading and lifelong learning by installing this Book Exchange Library here at our Family Fun Center. We are very excited to be participating in reaching a broader audience to promote literacy in such a fun and interactive way.”

Councilwoman Seaman presented a Certificate of Recognition. “Thank you to Read to Lead for their unwavering commitment to advancing youth literacy on behalf of the City of Las Vegas. We extend our gratitude for inspiring young readers and for all you do for the Las Vegas community,” she said. “To Spy Ninjas HQ, on behalf of the City of Las Vegas, we thank you for your continued support in youth literacy and all you do for the Las Vegas community.”
Miss Nevada International Allie Everett was also instrumental in creating the library and supporting the community in providing books for everyone who wishes to participate in the Book Exchange.
“I've found in my travels that reading has truly been the reason I am where I am today. To become published authors at such a young age, being able to write about something they're passionate about, and I want to instill that in others as well. I'll be going off this weekend to participate in the international pageant, and my goal is to get crowned, represent Nevada in a really powerful way, and instill leadership.
“So my platform, Read to Lead, is about creating opportunities, expanding book access for all, and also cultivating leaders. So, by doing this little free library, we're reminding people it is fun to read. We're in a really fun place like this place, which is amazing,” said Allie.
"We are thrilled to partner with Read to Lead Initiative to bring this book exchange library to our HQ," said Spy Ninjas co-founder Chad Wild Clay. "Our mission has always been to inspire and empower our audience, and through this program, we aim to encourage reading and knowledge sharing within our community."
The book exchange library has been created to be a resourceful and engaging space where individuals of all ages can discover new books, exchange their favorite reads, and connect with fellow book lovers. By fostering a culture of reading, Spy Ninjas HQ and Read to Lead Initiative hope to inspire creativity, critical thinking, and a passion for learning among community members.
Spy Ninjas HQ owners and staff are excited to participate in reaching a broader audience and promote literacy in a fun and interactive way." Access to books and the habit of reading can transform lives.
The book exchange library will feature a diverse selection of genres, ensuring that there is something for everyone and is free to access at Spy Ninjas HQ.

Read to Lead Initiative is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting literacy and education through innovative programs and community partnerships. Their mission is to empower individuals by making reading accessible and enjoyable.
Spy Ninjas HQ is an indoor adventure theme park created by Spy Ninjas Chad Wild Clay and Vy Qwaint, a married couple of YouTubers known for their thrilling adventure videos, engaging storylines, and positive messages. With millions of followers worldwide, they inspire and entertain audiences of all ages.
For more information, visit spyninjashq.com. Follow on Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), TikTok, and YouTube.