"Six Degrees of Separation" by John Guare Directed by Derek Livingston
Inspired by a true story, the play follows the trail of a young black con man, Paul, who insinuates himself into the lives of a wealthy New York couple, claiming he knows their son at college. Paul tells them he is the son of actor Sidney Poitier, and that he has just been mugged and all his money is gone. Captivated by Paul's intelligence and his fascinating conversation (and the possibility of appearing in a new Sidney Poitier movie), they invite him to stay overnight…But in the morning the picture begins to change.
10/18/2019 - 11/3/2019
Thurs, Fri and Sat evenings at 8pm Sun afternoons at 2pm Sat matinee on Oct 26 at 2pm
Las Vegas Little Theatre
3920 Schiff Dr., Las Vegas, NV 89103