RADAR #8!!!
The Las Vegas Performance Art team is back & ready for action in Downtown Las Vegas.
See new ACTION, hear new IDEAS, and meet new PEOPLE this Wednesday, March 27th, where the motto is:
"Hey, it beats spending another Wednesday night at a bar"

FREE & open to the public 8:00 pm!!! ***NEW TIME***
Downtown Las Vegas
920 South Commerce St., Las Vegas, NV, 89149
Featuring a variety of performers
(Open door policy, please contact emcees if you are interested in sharing a performance)
Marcus Civin
Brent Holmes
RADAR is an ecstatic performance art test run out in the world. Each performance will last 15-20 minutes or less. Performers might invite participation or engagement from the audience. They might sing, harangue, reveal a hidden talent, text, or fear. They might demonstrate, dance, direct, project, extend themselves or pick up some of where we are, where we have been, and where we will go.

Soup will be served and casual talking encouraged before and after the performances. If this seventh RADAR feels right, or almost right, we will adjust and do it again.
Be there!
@r.a.d.a.r_lv (Thank you, Rob!)
#EatMoreArt #vegasculture EatMoreArtVegas.com