Apply before January 31.
Over 50 participants from across the state will be selected from an application process to attend an in-person gathering in Tonopah, Nevada. Program participants will range from artists, community stakeholders, as well as representatives from private and public sectors.
Click Here to Read More About BRX
The BRX program will take place between April 18, 2022 to June 30, 2023, and include:
One in-Person Gathering: Program participants will attend a three-day gathering in Tonopah, NV from Monday, April 18 to Wednesday to April 20, 2022.
Mentorship: Small teams will form during the April 18-20 opening convening. These teams will provide peer support, mentorship, and an opportunity for exchange between rural and urban communities. Teams are comprised of 2-3 participants representing at least two different communities.
Community Exchange and Engagement Activities: Participants will develop and implement pilot arts and cultural programs in intercommunity teams that facilitate rural-urban exchange and community engagement. Projects will be designed and implemented between April 2022-June 2023. If additional funding is secured, participants will have the opportunity to apply for and receive seed funding for these projects.
Quarterly Team Meetings, Participants and Conference Calls
Invitation to Present at the 2023 Nevada Basin to Range Exchange for Selected Projects
Click Here to Apply Now!