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A Public Fit opens its season with Foxfinder

Live theater in Southern Nevada perseveres with the opening season premiere of Foxfinder by Dawn King will be presented by A Public Fit at The Space Sept. 23-26.

At the heart of this gripping, futuristic parable beats an incendiary plot that pulses with menace and suspicion. In rural England, a blight of bad luck has befallen the countryside, and an infestation may be to blame. The totalitarian government sends an agent, a Foxfinder, into the home of Judith and Samuel Covey, and the invasive inspection whirls simple lives into a frenzy of finger-pointing and distrust. As the bizarre scrutiny intensifies, guilt, fear, and distorted realities fuel a feverish hunt to explain the unknown.

The Covey Farm is in distress. Afflicted with fallow fields, an over-abundance of pests, and seemingly unending rain, Samuel and Judith struggle to meet the Capitol’s demanding quotas. The situation is complicated with the arrival of William Bloor (Foxfinder), dispatched by the government to help the couple solve their agricultural woes. But is Bloor really there to help, or has he been sent by the powerful to assign blame? This riveting play offers an unnerving critique of political mind-control and bureaucratic propaganda.

Directed by co-founder and artistic director Ann-Marie Pereth, this was the play that introduced A Public Fit to the audiences of Las Vegas. Learn more about Foxfinder on A Public Fit’s podcast Behind the Buzz!!! Click here to listen.

Foxfinder will be presented at The Space, 3460 Cavaretta Court, 7 p.m. Sept. 23-25 and 2 p.m. on Sept. 26. Click here to purchase tickets.


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