Join us at Rebar for the opening receptions of Steven Horlock's show of original artwork at Rebar on Preview Thursday, February 28th! Horlock's artwork will be on display at Rebar from February 28th to March 2nd.
1225 S Main St, Las Vegas, Nevada 89104 ----- Steven Horlock is a self taught oil painter from Las Vegas. He uses his artwork as a way to explore and appreciate different cultures and nature. Through his art you get a view of the world as seen through dreams and mythology, giving rise to some of life's deeper spiritual questions. You can often find Horlock live painting at First Friday and ISI Group events as a way to further connect with viewers and take inspiration from the world and artists around him. When he is not live painting he likes plain air paint in the surrounding dessert landscapes. ----- StevenHorlockArt.com @steven_horlock_art