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EMAV 10 Bites: Heather Anne Chamberlain, Performer

Updated: Mar 9, 2019

In every neighborhood, there is someone who makes the Arts a part of their life, and our community. You'd be surprised to discover how many different people use the arts to improve the quality of life in our hometown. EAT MORE ART! VEGAS will feature them regularly in our series "10 Bites."

What kinds of art do you enjoy, create, or perform in?

Now that I'm back in Las Vegas, I really want to dig back into movement-based theatre and dance-theatre. I'm a classically trained ballet and Graham-based dancer. Live performance of all disciplines are what make my heart sing. In one word: theatre. However, I've worn every hat from stage carpenter/scenic painter (which inspired my need to create visual art, the first piece being a sculpture made entirely of pointe shoes and ballet slippers from the top dancers of NYC) to Off-Broadway vocalist to self-producing my own creations Off Off Bway and in indie venues around NYC to dancing with independent ballet companies in NYC to directing Off Broadway, Executive Producer of other's original plays Off Broadway.

Why do you do it?

Because not doing it, and God knows I've tried "not doing it" for the sake of my sanity and finances, but, not doing it makes me a sad girl indeed.

What’s your favorite production/performance experience so far?

Hands down, nothing will ever compare to the experience, many years ago, of playing a ballet-dancing pigtail-wearing horse in the Insurgo Theatre Movement's production of 'Cannibal! The Musical' here in Vegas. More up to date: 'Incognito' by Nick Payne produced by A Public Fit Theatre and Cockroach Theatre, for a few reasons. The acting and stage direction were beyond inspiring. Also, this being the first play I've seen since moving back to Vegas from NYC, I am so thrilled to see such high-level work being so supported in our community.

What jobs have you done other than being an artist, or what do you do when you are "at work?"

Lots and lots of writing, ghost writing for bloggers and as a credited writer, reviewing theatre and dance in New York City for Stage Buddy Magazine. With a lot of waitressing and bartending thrown in that mix.

What is an Arts experience that you will never forget or a memorable response to your work?

"Wow. That shit was crazy." - a patron I overheard after seeing the Off-Broadway play I directed, 'Bubbleheads,' by Darcy Sternberg for Theatre for the New City.

What would you be doing if you weren't performing, creating, or enjoying the Arts in Las Vegas?

Easy. I'd be a deep sea explorer living on a crickety, candle-lit pirate ship, docked in warm, crystal blue waters. I've already looked into it for myself.

Name something you love about Las Vegas, and why.

I love that Las Vegas fully embraces, even stands for, the idea of "MORE!" I always want 'more,' and am rarely satisfied with 'enough.' That idea extends right to the theatre scene here. There's not really a start or end to a season here. It just keeps going and going and producers just keep pouring out more and more work. It fits my nature.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

Don't take anything personally. If someone rolls their eyes or furrows their brow at your work, it's not up to you to explain, fix or bend it to their liking. Make what your heart MUST make and stand by your work with dignity.

What superpower would you have and why?

To enter into any society and blend in like a native. I'd be able to speak the language, cook the cuisine, understand all cultural nuances and make close friends all over the world. The last of which I'm grateful to have accomplished, thanks to bridging power of art.

Any future projects or events that you're looking forward to?

I’m collaborating with local performance-artist Sean Craig Stuart and musician Joe Bonasorte (formerly of ‘The Bronx Wanderers’ at Bally’s) to create pieces of original dance theatre incorporating modern ballet, circus, burlesque and straight theatre. Our goal is to launch as a company of 10-12 performers.

Are you a local artist of any discipline? Do you work with a company as a designer, stagehand or administrative staff? Do you love to experience it as the audience? We'd love to get your 10 Bites to share. Fill out a form here, and you might be featured in a post!

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