The "ListeningRoom@Core" is finally underway!
Dan Frechette is a musical force; for over 20 years the award winning Canadian songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and educator, now based in California, has performed major folk festivals and traveled throughout North America and Europe, sharing his songs and ebullient personality, and warming stages with the likes of Dar Williams, Richard Thompson, and Ron Sexsmith, among others.

With over 40 albums, his songwriting efforts have been discovered, recorded, and performed widely by celebrated artists around the world, such as The Duhks (Canada), Dervish (Ireland), The Ploughboys/Damian Howard (Australia), Emma Cloney (Canada), Jessee Havey (Canada), and The Stacks/Tania Elizabeth (United States).
When: Friday, February 15th, 2019 - 7 PM – 8:30 PM
Where: 900 Karen, Suite D-222, Las Vegas, Nevada 89109