In every neighborhood, there is someone who makes the Arts a part of their life, and our community. You'd be surprised to discover how many different people use the arts to improve the quality of life in our hometown. EAT MORE ART! VEGAS will feature them regularly in our series "10 Bites."
What type(s) of art do you do?
I started in Comedy Improvisation and always find myself gravitated toward the thrill of instantaneous performances. However, most of my performances over the past five years have been in Musical Theater and Plays. I do dabble in film, TV, voice over, etc, but Live Theater is my jam.
Why do you do it?
Originally, it was for the escape. I found that jumping into characters and being "someone else" was incredibly cathartic for my depression. Improv was especially good for the rush of endorphins; since I never knew what scene would come next. In recent years, however, I've truly loved being able to tell a good story. I still escape into my roles, but not to hide. Now my performances are for the audience to escape with me and spend a couple of hours together on a journey. I love being able to give and share my talent. It's a great responsibility, and I'm very fortunate to all the directors in Las Vegas that have put their trust in me.
What’s your favorite project/performance so far?
Such a loaded question. I try to learn something from every production and performance and use it to hone my skills and make the next show better than the last. Yet, there are some shows that stay with me far longer. Some of my most memorable experiences include: Sweeney Todd, Ave Q, The Producers, Fiddler on the Roof, Oleanna, Cannibal the Musical, and Sudoku the Musical.
What jobs have you done other than being an artist?
Father, Barista, Teacher, IT Tech, Bookstore Manager, College Instructor, and Software Licensing and Contract Analyst for Nevada System of Higher Ed.
What memorable responses have you had to your work?
It's taken years for me to really pay attention to responses from patrons after a performance. As a young artist, I found myself being self-critical and as a result, I've missed the honestly and generosity of people who've come to my performances. I still have to work at it, but now I genuinely love hearing comments after a performance. My favorite is, "I didn't know that was you". Hearing that tells me I've transcended myself into a character and that my story was the focus; not Glenn farting about on stage in costume.
What would you be doing if you weren't performing your art?
I'd probably find myself in the other creative process of self-abuse called "Writing".
Name something you love about Las Vegas, and why.
The people here are amazing. I'm constantly meeting crazy-talented and passionate people here and their love for performing drives me to be a better actor. (Of course, these same people make me a better person too.)
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?
Trust that you are good enough. Every Director wants to cast you. You just need to show them that you're the one they want to work with.
What superpower would you have and why?
Teleportation would certainly be a top contender. Being able to sleep in and then pop over to NY, LA, Chicago, London, would be wonderful. Not sure where my bed would be though......maybe an isolated cabin in the Rockies or a bungalow on the beach.

Current projects?
You can catch the final weekend of A Public Reading of an Unproduced Screenplay About the Death of Walt Disney at Majestic Repertory through Nov 25th!
Are you a local artist of any discipline? Do you work with a company as a designer, stagehand or administrative staff? We'd love to get your 10 Bites to share. Fill out a form here, and you might be featured in a post!