In every neighborhood, there is someone who makes the Arts a part of their life, and our community. You'd be surprised to discover how many different people use the arts to improve the quality of life in our hometown. EAT MORE ART! VEGAS will feature them regularly in our series "10 Bites."
What performing art do you do?
I direct musical theater.
Why do you do it?
I do it because it brings me joy. It’s where I feel most like me. I like giving theater opportunities to local artists who need an outlet to share their talents.
What’s your favorite production/performance so far?
This is a tough question. I’m always very invested in whatever production I’m currently directing. If I had to choose I’d have to say I love “A Signature Christmas” for the spirit of the Season, “The Secret Garden” for the message of hope and “Thoroughly Modern Millie” for the joy and fun it brings to the stage.
What jobs have you done other than being an artist?
I’m always a mom first. I’ve also worked as a model, in a bookstore.
What memorable responses have you had to your work?
I always like to hear when someone I have worked with has had a positive experience. I have a patron who has followed my shows through the years. He travels around the world most of the time, but always manages to send me flowers on opening night and come back to see the show before it closes.
What would you be doing if you weren't performing your art?
I’m not quite sure. It does seem like my time is always filled with a variety of adventures. When I’m not directing I’m serving at church and community. I like to travel and hang out with my husband, family and friends.
Name something you love about Las Vegas, and why.
I love that Las Vegas is a 24 hour town. There’s always something to do, someplace to go anytime day or night. I also love that we have mild winters. I hate to be cold!
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?
Always be kind.
What superpower would you have and why?
I’ve dreamed about flying since I was a little girl. Flying takes you beyond your limitations and allows your dreams to soar!

Any future projects?
I will be directing Disney’s NEWSIES for Signature Productions Spring of 2019. Auditions will be in December 2018. So calling all male dancers!
See Signature Production's latest project, 'Oh What a Night' now playing at Summerlin Library and Performing Arts Center
Are you a local artist of any discipline? Do you work with a company as a designer, stagehand or administrative staff? We'd love to get your 10 Bites to share. Fill out a form here, and you might be featured in a post!