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The Odd Couple @ TITV

This classic comedy opens as a group of the guys assemble for cards in the apartment of divorced Oscar Madison. And if the mess is any indication, it’s no wonder that his wife left him. Late to arrive is Felix Unger, who has just been separated from his wife. Fastidious, depressed, and none too tense, Felix seems suicidal, but as the action unfolds, Oscar becomes the one with murder on his mind when the clean freak and the slob ultimately decide to room together with hilarious results as The Odd Couple is born.

The Odd Couple by Neil Simon

Directed by Dean Kreyling

OSCAR…………Steve Manges

FELIX…………..Randy Hample

GWENDOLYN…….Paula Loop

CECILY………………..Kate Sirls

SPEED……………Jim Williams

MURRAY…………….Kent Allen

ROY…………………..Phil Smith

VINNIE……….........Alan Reese

For Reservations:

Call 702-558-7275 or Email


September 15 – October 1, 2017

Fridays @ 7:30 p.m

Saturdays @ 3:00 p.m. & @ 7:30 p.m.

Sundays @ 2:00 p.m.

Performance Location:

Theatre In The Valley’s Playhouse

10 West Pacific Ave, Henderson, NV 89015

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