Dear Friends,
Hurricane Harvey has brought devastation to our fellow Americans, and other residents and visitors, in Texas, and artists in our community want to offer relief. We have personally consulted locals affected in the area, and researched the best organizations who turn your donations into immediate action. Our recommendation is the secular, non-partisan NGO, DIRECT RELIEF.
Click on the donate link, and select "Direct my donation to." Then choose "Hurricane Harvey" in the drop down box.
Direct Relief has a 100% accountability score, and has received 7 consecutive 4 Star ratings from the watchdog Charity Navigator. DIRECT RELIEF is already mobilized, and in the area. 99.4% of their donations go directly into the programs and services that they deliver.
As artists we know that money can be tight, but we can also promise that people would be amazed to know what can be made of even the smallest amount. We do it every day in our own line of work.

No act of mercy is ever too small to feel like a life saver to someone who is hurting. If you attend a local production and want to make a donation of pocket change, ask them to hold it for EatMoreArtVegas.com, and when they contact us, we will send it along to this charity ASAP.
If you want to let Texans know your donation came from our heARTS here in Las Vegas, you can donate in the name EAT MORE ART VEGAS, or honor the memory of another by first clicking "Donate in Tribute" in the upper right hand corner of the donation page, or by clicking here.
Our address for the form is 8540 Amaryllis Hills Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89149.
We all know what a shock flash flood damage can be, but we rarely suffer rains that last for several days without stopping. Let's give all the love that our heARTS can muster, and join together doing something positive as one community for our one country. Thank you for your healing hope!
In gratitude,

P.S. - Stay tuned for future efforts to offer the necessary ongoing support from our Las Vegas community. We will keep an eye on more ways to help as the situation evolves.