EMAV Review: 'Menagerie' captivatingly detailed ★★★★☆
★★★★☆ - Delicious Perhaps knowing that a jaded theatregoer might bring a host of preconceptions and expectations to the thrice-familiar...
EMAV Review: 'Menagerie' captivatingly detailed ★★★★☆
EMAV Review: 'Time Stands Still' reveals the harm of war
EMAV Review: 'Squabbles' has humor and heart
EMAV Review: Riveting 'Fences' built at NCT ★★★★½
The Wolves @ Cockroach Theatre is Valley Recommended
Charleston Heights Arts Center’s Grand Re-Opening Celebration
EMAV 10 Bites: Yussia Sanders, Actor
This is Our Youth @ Aces High Productions & Majestic Rep
EMAV Review: 'The Wolves' scores big with raw energy
EMAV Director's Dish: Noah Keeling and 'The House of Yes'
Sentience by Tylar Pendgraft @ Majestic Rep
Time Stands Still @ LVLT